Quick Tips - Add Logo To Object

Hey Everyone,

So you want to know how add your logo to your object?

First of all, there are many way you could done that, but In this video i'm going to show you a quick tips on how to do it,

This is the sample render result of my video.

You can replace the sample logo with any image that you want, as long it has transparency like in PNG format.

Or if you want to use the logo on the video, you save and use image below
In this video i use HDRI that i got from hdrihaven.com website. A truly amazing website if you looking for an HDRI,

 link  : https://hdrihaven.com/hdri/?c=low%20contrast&h=piazza_san_marco

This is the video :

as always, hopefully you can learn something useful when watching this video.

Thank you!
